First In

I welcome you to my blog site; I hope to show you the fire service in NLC in some interesting events. During the next few years, I will improve on the content and photos to keep you coming back for more. I take pride in my photography and try my best to be first in when possible. The majority of the photos will be from the Norwich companies & surrounding area departments, but sometimes I Buff out of state cities for a change of pace.

As of late I have missed or worked a lot of the incidents. I have a great support group of Photographers to help the site keep up with all the incidents. There are too many to list, So thanks for your support. Thanks for visiting and enjoy .RD Ladd

As of July 2017, my site has had 319000 hits thanks for viewing. If you keep coming I will keep posting. First time visitors for older post click on the month links right side.

Remember: I'm not able to make every major event, so if you get some photos or video and would like to share them, please contact me @

If your interested in viewing all of the incident photos or purchasing a photo That I have taken click here.

This site will work with mobile devices.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Columbia, Ct. Chimney fire w/extention. 03-23-25

 Around 21:10, Columbia fire was dispatched to Rt-87 at the Lebanon town line for a chimney fire, first arriving reported a working fire with the 2nd floor involved. Columbia and M/A crews worked the fire for about 30 mins to contain all hot spots. 

More Photos @ laddsphotos


Baltic, Ct Garage fire. 03-23-25

 Baltic and M/A was dispatched to 140 Riverside Dr. for a reported garage fire, Car 24 arrived to fire the rear of building and attic, involved. Crews knocked the fire down in a few minutes.   



Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Lebanon Ct, truck fire 03-19-25

Lebanon  and Bozrah  Fire Company's responded to the area of 124 Lebanon Road, for a truck fire, They arrived to a heavily involved truck. 03-19-25 17:00

More photos @ Laddsphotos


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Groton, (Mystic) Ct. 2-24-25, 100 Essex RD, Fire in a Commercial Boat Yard, Mystic Shipyard West. Fire was reported in a shed, on arrival they found an addition to the main building that was an 20x100 attached storage shed, with fire from the roof. Command transmitted a 1st alarm, then upgraded it to a 2nd alarm. Crews worked for several hrs locating the hot spots after the core fire was knocked-down. Heavy damage was confined to 2 storage bays. The 2nd alarm was for man-power and coverage.

 More Photos @ LaddsPhotos


Saturday, February 15, 2025

Lyme, Ct. 22 Seldon Rd. Dwelling fire. 02-15-25

 Around 12:30 Lyme fire and M/A was dispatched to 22 Seldon RD, for a 6000sqf home under construction on fire. First due found fire taking hold of the front D Side coming from the 1 story section. Crews placed 2 lines in operation as companies arrived to assist. The core was knocked down and the crews worked for over an hr, to find several pockets of fire.

More Photos @ Laddsphotos 



Monday, February 10, 2025

Lisbon Barn Fire, 02-10-25

QV Dispatched Lisbon and M/A to Townhouse Road for a reported Barn fire, Heavy smoke could be seen for miles as companies responded, Et-154 arrived to find a well involved 1 story barn. The building was collapsing as crews set up landlines. A few animals need removal from the exposure enclosures and given to the owners. As M/A arrived, water supply was established and manpower headed down the long driveway. Crews prevented the fire from spreading and confined it the barn. Crews remained on scene for a few hrs overhauling the contents of the barn.

More photos @ LaddsPhotos



Friday, January 24, 2025

Bozrah truck fire 12-31-24

 Delayed.. around 3pm, Bozrah fire was dispatched to Browning road for a reported truck on fire in the driveway. They arrived to find the truck well involved. The fire was under control in a few minutes.



Thursday, January 02, 2025

Colchester, W/F 01-02-25

 Around 18:00 Colchester fire and M/A responded to 112 Amston RD. for a report of a possible fire in a living room, reported by a passerby. First arriving found a active fire in the living room and transmitted a working fire. FMO investigating. 

 More Photos @ Laddsphotos


Monday, December 23, 2024

Gales Ferry, Ct. Dwelling fire 12/23/24

 Just before Noon (12/23/24), Gales Ferry Volunteer Fire Company and Ledyard fire departments was dispatched to 18 West Drive, for a building fire. On arrival the B side was well involved, with extension into the 1st and 2nd floor.

more photos @ Laddsphotos


Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Occum, MVA with Pin, 12-10-24

 Occum and Yantic operated on I-395 SB for a Tractor trailer vs box truck with pin, this also involved 2 cars. A large beam, broke free and slid into the cab of the truck. The occupant was transported to Backus. NFI at this time.


Tuesday, December 03, 2024

Eastern CT Fire School, Fall FF1 live burn. 12/01/24

 On December 1st, Eastern Ct Fire School, Held their fall Firefighter 1 live burn on a chilly December day. The students worked in groups for fire attack, hand-lines operations, search and a number of fire related task. I only stayed a short time. Thanks, to the staff for spending time to teach the next generation of firefighters and the fall class for spending your free time to start your journey in the world of the fire service. Keep training, its a life changing skill.

 More Photos @ Laddsphotos


Lisbon Ct, W/F Garage. 13/03/24

 QV Dispatched, Lisbon and M/A to 205 Newent Road for a garage on fire with exposures. Car 29 arrived to find a well involved stand alone garage. The building was close to 1000' off the road. The first engine laid up the hill and the first in tanker set up a nursing style water shuttle. Car 54 arrived and requested 5 additional tanker about the original response. At the time of the first due engine the building started to collapse, and 2 propane tanks was found to be venting, crews set up to cool the tanks as a2nd line was working the primary side of the building. Crews worked the scene fore about 2 hrs, the FMO is investigating.

Photos provided by Taftville FD, and Mike Coats